When I boot my RH73, it runs dhcpcd that tries to find a dhcp server around and
aquire an IP address for me.

However, if I fail to connect to the LAN on time, dhcpcd fails and does not try
again ever (unless I run it manually).

I read from the dhcpcd manual that:
                      dhcpcd  will not fork into background until
              it gets a valid IP address  in  which  case  dhcpcd
              will  return  0  to  the parent process.  In a case
              dhcpcd  times  out  before  receiving  a  valid  IP
              address  from  DHCP  server dhcpcd will return exit
              code 1 to the parent process.

why is that? Isn't it more logical to hover around untill a server IS found? any
idea how to cirumvent this?


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