On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Orna Agmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So I made myself a snapshot, (yes, i stopped copying when they started
> discussing education), and it is available from
> http://tx.technion.ac.il/~agmon/protocol.html

Thanks a lot, Orna!

I have a couple of comments:

1. Anybody else getting flashbacks of "Yes, Minister?" ;)
   The parts where PM Eitan tried to get a coherent answer out of
   a public servant could have just been translated and put into
   that show.

2. Someone should show PM Eitan a copy of the letter of that Peruvian
   sentator at (http://www.gnu.org.pe/resmseng.html). I have CCed 
   him, but if anyone knows a way of guaranteeing that I'd be happy.
   In particular, Mr. Eitan seems to be ignoring the fact that the
   information the state holds belongs to its citizens, and it has
   a responsibility to make sure citizens can access that information.

3. Was anyone else dissatisfied with the very rough explanation of
   open source licenses? It seems that the explanation contained
   a garbled version of the GPL and the LGPL.

(Mr. Eitan: good explanations of what one can and can't do with
free software are to be had here:

4. I was sort of disappointed how nobody gave the obvious answer
   to "Are the programs ready?" (They will be if you spend 10% as
   much as you currently spend on funding MS on funding Israeli

5. Not regarding the discussion, but about something I found out: does
   it not better anyone else that the smallest two-bit dot-com with zero
   funding gives its employees an e-mail address, and yet our Knesset
   Members have a *netvision address*?

6. Related question: (it was also featured in the discussion) Perhaps as
   a "nae doresh nae makayem", we can start requiring Knesset memebers
   to have OpenPGP keys, accessible from their official Knesset home page.
   Perhaps it will sharpen their view of what digital signatures actually
   give and don't give. Plus, it will give us a secure way to communicate
   with our elected representatives without any half-competent cracker
   who 0wnz a router managing to listen in.

Moshe Zadka

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