Hi list.

I've read in the e-zines yesterday about the OpenSSL speed test and 
there was some discussion about how recompiling OpenSSL for a specific 
processor architecture can increase performance. I remember a discussion 
on the list about how to make your linux run faster by recompiling major 
binaries for your specific processor architecture, and so I went to take 
OpenSSL as a test case :

First I've run the OpenSSL speed test on several machines I have access 
to, and summerized the 512b and 4096b keys verifys/sec. to make a long 
story short, the AMD Duron 700MHz I'm running at home had 7202,202 
respectivly, while the P4 1.5GHz I'm running at work showed 6910,191 
I was thinking to myself - I know that Pentium 4 uses a radicly 
different processor architecture then P3 and other x86 compatibles and 
needs to have programs recompiled to it for the best performance (IIRC 
I've read it somewhere).
I tried to recompile OpenSSL for my Penitum 4 - apparently it wasn't 
that easy. supposedly Iwould just need to rpm -bb --target pentium4 on 
my linux, but apparently the OpenSSL configure script always sets -m486 
unless 386 was specificly required. a couple of modified Makefile lines 
later OpenSSL was compiling with -march=pentium4, but that was not the 
end of it. after the RPM package was built, I of course tried to install 
it, only to get this :
package openssl-0.9.6g-1mdk is for a different architecture
A quick STFE didn't help so I just went ahead and ran 'openssl speed' on 
the binary produced in the build directory. interestingly enough, the 
results were even lower (!) then the previous benchmark on the same 
machine. I can explain that by the fact that a number of other programs 
that weren't running at the time of the first benchmark were idleing at 
the time of the second, but still this did not show the imrpovment that 
I expected.

My question is - do your experience show other results then my story 
does, or does the P4 really suck so much ?

BTW - It's a P4 with SDRAM, while the Duron is sporting DDRs. not that I 
think it matters, as the OpenSSL speedtest is about raw processing power 
and not memory bandwidth - a lowley 72pin DRAM can handle the memory 
requirements of that benchmark.


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are 
full of doubt." 
        -- Bertrand Russell 

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