Title: Message
Update on the Inst-Party,
[BTW: you can call off the search teams - I`m here... and if you need me I`ll be at [055-956369]]
we'll need some electricity splitters & power cables, that shouldn't be a big problem - bring if you got`em.
Tables _should_ get there tomorrow, and I`m working on getting a projector from someone.
What we need to worry about is Internet connection... I`n on the line with NetVision & Bezeq...
If you have *connections* somewhere - let me know, if you don't - pray to your god(s).
We need to spread the word some more - Walla are not paying attention and so does Zombit... [anything new with nana?]
The Community Channel of Ra`anana Said they might bring a camera team to the event - And I got about 20 emails from people who say they will come.
Roy & I hanged posters on bus stations, boards & etc in Kfar Saba, Raanana, Hertzelya & Ramat-Hasharon... Ido Diamant was giving out flyers at atid-computers store in Hod-Hasharon...
I`ll be around Rehovot tomorrow around noon to give some A3 & A4 b&w posters to Tal Amir to hand at Wiseman institute etc... and I`ll be in TAU tomorrow to hang some too - if anyone else from the area wants some - please let me know.
(does anyone have SuSe 8? whats the deal on that OS?)
What people will bring (to my knowledge):
[people listed here please confirm, people who should be and aren't - let me know]
Tal Achituv: 2 monitors, 1x4 cpu-switch, ~10 net-cables, 1x6 electricity splitter, tables & chairs.
Roy Arad: ADSL modem+account (will be handy if there will be a line).
Marc: Debian Mirror, 8 port hub, 4 port switch
Yotam Rubin: 3 monitors CD-R*2 & media
Omer Zak: CDs, 8-port hub, 3 net-cables
Boaz Rymland: 8 port hub
Sagi Bashari: RedHat ISOs & a server
Thanks everyone!

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