On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 22:25, Adir Abraham wrote:
> Ahem
> Who IS responsible on the article in Walla? it says there that "the event,
> which occurs every year in the Technion (which is not correct, because it
> usually happens every semester), will be THIS TIME in the Renanim mall
> in Kfar Saba".
> What the heck? The Renanim installation party has nothing to do with the
> Haifa one, and ofcourse doesn't come instead of it, and the Haifa one
> will occur as every semester (okay, every year since last year).. grr....
> And if they are already writing something, that mall is in Raanana and not
> in Kfar Saba.

Yes, I noticed that stupidity too (and wrote a response to clarify it). 

<sigh> UI guess not all reporters are like Ido Kennan (the Nana reporter
which while I may not agree with his opinions on all affairs makes sure
to get the *facts* right)...

> I wonder why the almost never check their own "articles".

Walla seems to me a virtual mall that treats it's 'news' functions kinda
of like one of this in-mall attraction events. I think two factual
errors in such a short article proves the point :-(


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