thnaks, that what I was looking for.
I tried it, and it does not produce anything.
I  do not know much perl.
I used the debugger and saw that in the lines

foreach my $name (grep(!/^(\.|\.\.)$/, readdir(DIRHANDLE)))
while (($key,$value) = each %symlinks)

the script never continue inside the block.
i.e. the script cannot "see" the files/dirs in the source dir

any adea ?

Im running it as root, and the mount is done as root as well.
I also tried union /boot /root /tmp
and again, nothing happened.



Ilya Konstantinov wrote:

>On Monday 07 October 2002 16:01, Alon Barzilai wrote:
>>mount -t iso9660 -o ro 1.iso /mnt/disk1
>>mount -t iso9660 -o ro 2.iso /mnt/disk1
>This is called "union mount". Linux does not have this feature (I think BSD 
>has it).
>>I remember a few months ago someone metioned something similar here, but
>>I could not find this message.
>Here's the solution I use on IGLU's server. On IGLU, we wanted to mount all of 
>RedHat ISOs into their standard directory structure, as it appears on 
>RedHat's FTP site, to save disk space. It all worked out pretty well.
>1. Mount the ISOs into different directories.
>2. Use my "union" utility to consolidate the different directories into one 
>single directory. It creates directories and symbolic links as necessary, so 
>that the target directory almost doesn't take up any disk space.
>union source-dir1 source-dir2 source-dir2 ... target-dir
>(Tip: If you want to offer those files via FTP, like we do, make the source 
>directory paths relative -- because your FTP site doesn't begin at /)
>You can get it from
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