In addition....
* I've tried reinstalling the 2.2 kernel without apm support and the
problem (the screen blanking after 5 minutes and then keyboard/mouse not
working after) still occurs

Also, made a type with my setterm statements.  What I tried was:
setterm -powersave off
setterm -blank 0
setterm -powerdown 0

Nathan Fain wrote:

Short desc.: Screen blanks out and then keyboard and mouse will not work.

I have a laptop whose screen will blank out after five minutes of no movement of the mouse or keyboard. When I move the mouse or press a key the screen comes back but the keyboard and mouse will not work (though processes continue to work.) This happens in the console (X is not running on the machine). I'd appreciate any suggestions or inclusion of other lists I could query. I've tried the following in troubleshooting and nothing has helped so far:
* Checked this w/apmd (even though it is an ACPI machine) up and with it down. I've also tried it with ACPI support and the acpi management daemons for 2.4.x. * There are no options in the Compaq n610c bios and to turn this off no bios updates
* and this feature, in fact, doesn't *appear* to be controlled by the BIOS as it does not happen in the windows installation on the machine. I've also tried setterm -powerboot, setterm -powersave
setterm -powerdown
setterm -blank

Laptop: Compaq Evo N610c w/2.2.18 and 2.4.19 kernels

Nathan Fain
System Administrator
MobilEye Vision Technologies Ltd.

R.M.P.E House, 10 Hartum st. Har Hozvim, P.O.Box 45157 Jerusalem 91450
Telephone: + 972-2-541-7356
Fax: + 972-2-541-7300


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