On Thu, 26 Dec 2002, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 26, 2002, Guy Baruch wrote about "OT: Mila Tova on Bank Leumi site and 
>linux/mozilla client":
> > 
> > Hello, just a good story for a change, hope it's not too OT.
> > Bank Leumi just recently did a face-lift to their "Leumi-Ba-Internet" site.
> Interesting to see you think it is a *good* story...
> After their site working well for a long time, I suddenly noticed a couple
> of days ago that I can no longer use it with Mozilla. They had a "feedback"
> link which I tried to use to complain, but that did not work too!
> So what do we have here:
>   1. A company that designs its website with the typical Israeli over-
>      complication and utter disregard to standards and non-IE browsers;
What makes you think this "typical Israeli"?
Do you have a different experience with your off-shore bank account?


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