On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Boulgakov Andrei wrote:

> I think battle for Linux Desktops in schools is useless. Battle should be on
> Colleges and Univercities, there jobs usually submitted in english :) . All
> we can do in school - work with 15-17 aged. As example I can tell you about
> activities of "Amuta leAtid aNegev". They did Web Olympiad for youth. (btw,
> guess what was the platform for web+db server with PHP for it?) Now, they
> want to do Hi-Tech Kid Incubator (hamama technologit). They begin with
> courses on Linux, SQL, Apache, PHP, cvs, bla-bla-bla.... 20 clever boys will
> switch from Ms to Linux.

When people come to universaty they have enough on their head and they
rather use system they already know, if you teach them from school level
about linux they would want ot use it later in life as well
what people get educated when they are kids that the growups they learn to


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