Oron Peled wrote:

I simply offered a strategy that may work IMO. Namely, collect
current working practices and "galvanize" them through well designed
Actually, it doesn't seem to me an impossible task to find a common denominator (in the sense of API). Indeed, the three widely used types of configs:

a) the list of key=value pairs ("=" may vary, e.g. ":" or just blank space)
b) ini-style
c) tree

are just subsets of XML (a is level-0 and b is level-1 tree), so the only non-trivial things are configs requiring a kind of pre-processing (e.g. cpp for Xresources).

BTW, if there are people who are _serious_ about this project, I suggest a physical meeting for an initial brainstorming (I'm rather pessimistic about mailing lists for this purpose).

BTW: anybody (not just you) know the answer to my (irrelevant) riddle?
     [why the reboot(8) command need to have a disasterous -n option]
     If no one answer, I'll have to publish the "solution"
[replied privately so not to spoil everybody else's findings ;-)]



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