So to sum up the ordeal:

1. Bought a new Samsung modem - I was told at the Even Gvirol branch that it 
costs 400 and that 240 is only for the special package, but when I bought it 
somewere else they charged only 240, maybe she was nice to me and considered
my purchase as part of the special.

2. Came home, modem seemed to have conected fine but still pppoe couldn't 

3. Called Bezeq (again) - they can't help Linux users.

4. Called Actcom (again) - this time the guy there (who haven't been 
intimidated from Linux) saw that my connection was "stuck" since about the 
time my power went south and the problems began. After he "released" it 
(whatever that means) things startted working again.

(5. the guy at Actcom said that sometimes it's possible that their "releasing" 
is not enough and I might have to call Bezeq, this time I was spared.  He 
also said that powerdown and such sometimes get ADSL connections stuck).

Thanks for everyone's help, hope someone finds this summary useful.

Now I'm looking for papers about this whole ADSL business and how it works.


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