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On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 22:27:39 +0300 (IDT), Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I don't think I can help you with that, as I don't think I've ever encountered
> > such a behaviour, but I found the timestamps in your log very interesting :
> > apparently, the usb-ohci module in the kernel is reporting time stamps 3 hours
> > in the future compared to the rest of the system.
> > This *has* happened to me several times in the past, and I still fail to
> > understand what makes this happen.
> >
> Oh, didn't notice that.  Weird.  No idea, either.  I believe my
> timezone is correctly set and GMT is 2 hours behind us which can't
> explain timestamps 3-hours ahead.

This easily explained. Your time is GMT - 3 (2 hours east of Greenwich
+ 1 hour daylight saving time). Most of your services report with GMT, 
but some of them (like the usb) reports with the local time.

To check do: `date' and `date -u' and see what time is reported.

On my system, most of the messages has the local time stamp but some 
(e.g. processes run by news [nntp]) report with GMT.


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