Dan Armak wrote:

When we get digital IDs+keys though, they'll have photos and we'll have to

publish the public keys, I guess... Does that mean photos of everyone will be available? To whom? Anyone have any links to info on the government's plans in this regard?

The government already keeps a digital photo of all driving license holders
in its computers - have you renewed your license lately? (btw, as far as I
remember, they don't have procedures to update this photo :)).

Suppose I post saying 'I'll help write the new version of foobar' and sign it.

Can you then sue me for not helping? Wouldn't a legally binding document need things like a date, or more than one signature (it takes two sides to make a contract)? IIRC even documents which only bind one side to do something are usually signed by witnesses ("this document was signed in front of me by so-
and-so. <sig of witness>") but IANAL...

Nope - we just rented an apparetment to someone and all they have to
provide us with their Shtar Arvut (the slip they get from the post office) are
signatures of the guarentors (i.e. each guarentor signs for himself) and a
xerox of their ID.

Does the law hold the position that everything said or written is binding as long as it can be proved to have been said/written? So that digital sigs merely prove that I wrote the document in question? Or do they make it more binding somehow?


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