Lior Kesos wrote:

Well maybe this should be a reason for another "aleyhoom" be it organized through hamakor or not.

Israeli Goverment and Microsoft mixing a bit too close for my taste -

Maybe hamakor should voice a public opinion about this -
I'm not sure who this Oded Lavi is and what "hofesh online" is but this is certainly a worthy cause -
At least as worthy as giving the captain advice how to fix up his boat :) .
The story is posted here -,7340,L-2745601,00.html

The problem with Oded's forum's activity is that it appears, on superficial inspection, to be PR, rather than results, targeted.

I have just run a search, trying to find a homepage for this forum. No go. I also know, first hand, that some of his activities resulted in troubling ricochetes, that hindered, rather than promoted, what we are trying to do. There were several people we had to explain we were not the "freedom to choose" forum, before they would even listen to us.

In other words, I'll be a little more comfertable with the "freedom to choose" forum when I see their charter, which is not available online as far as I could find.


Shachar Shemesh
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