Hi list.

I'm setting up a mail server with all the bells and whistles, and I'm trying 
including support for authentication using DIGEST-MD5 and CRAM-MD5.

I've setup postfix to auth using SASL2, and SASL to use PAM and PAM to use 
MySQL (long winded - I could use some hints on how to shorten this. I'm 
assuming postfix can't auth to MySQL directly).

Now PLAIN and LOGIN work perfectly, but when I try DIGEST-MD5 or CRAM-MD5 I 
get this error:

postfix/smtpd[30479]: warning: SASL authentication failure: no secret in 
postfix/smtpd[30479]: warning: unknown[x.x.x.x]: SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication 


postfix/smtpd[30479]: warning: SASL authentication failure: no secret in 
postfix/smtpd[30479]: warning: unknown[x.x.x.x]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 
authentication failed

I tried to look on the net, but most I got was errors with the sasldb, but I'm 
not using sasldb - I'm using MySQL via PAM.
If anyone has some experience with Postfix and SASL2, I'd welcome some hints.



If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable

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