I always dislike haaretz artical about opensource,
they always sound like their computer guy is getting payed very well by
MS, and even if there is some small pro opensource part it's only for the
bigger anti opensource part to sound better
this artical is no diffrent and it's mostly BS,
from the high security cost compare to windows(yea right after the last
few weeks I expected a bit more modasty) to the crap about needing to
rewrite all the programs for linux how how horribly expensive it would be
(never heard of wine?of portable code writing?of things like
mozilla/openoffice which gain ground on windows computers and works as
well on linux one?), and that quote about from the kalalit guy which just
got a server from ms (which fell misrably during like virus and made their
system almost unsuable for 3 freaking days!! my doctor couldn't ever get
my test results!! so much for security!).

persoanly I feel safer if my health would be depended on linux servers...

Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University
Jerusalem Israel

On Sun, 14 Sep 2003, Boaz Rymland wrote:

> On topic article from Haaretz that discusses the state of OSS adoption
> in Israel (mainly in commercial organizations)
> No registration requried:
> http://computers.walla.co.il/ts.cgi?tsscript=item&path=4&id=440127
> Boaz.
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