Hi people - I beg for our forgiveness of the off topic post (well, everything 
here runs linux so its not totally off topic), but I got the darnest thing 
which I can't put my thumb on, still can't figure it out and I've ran out of 

I have a site, for the sake of the argument lets call it 
http://org.demons.co.il/forum. but its terribly terribly slow - page take 
several minutes(!!) to load.
At first I thought it was it was network - checked the network monitor, and 
its not.
Then I said its probably the rendering of the page - put counters on the PHP 
files and they all render in less then 1/10 of a second
Then I said it's CPU load - but load rarely goes over 0.10
Then I tries to load the page with links (text web browser), and it flies !
Then I tried some other clients - all the standard graphical ones work the 
same (real slow). links and links-graphic are fast, as well as any command 
line HTTP downloader I tries. elinks and lynx are again extremely slow.
Then I looked at the firewall logs, and whenever a client makes a request, 
this gets dumped in the logs, several times:
Sep 17 20:31:13 gilgamesh kernel: Shorewall:newnotsyn:DROP:IN= OUT=eth0 
SRC= DST=<client-ip> LEN=1500 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 
ID=64286 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=48834 WINDOW=6930 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=0

newnotsyn is a log target for shorewall that drops everything, and packets get 
sent to it, in this case, after they arrive on the output chain, get caught 
by some rules based on interface matching, dropped down a few tables, and 
then pass 
w/o getting caught and then hit
-p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp ! --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j newnotsyn

running tcpdump on the local machine I can see the request being pushed out 
and the ack on the request packet comming back and then nothing for a while, 
then the client sends FIN and the request again at which point the server 
sends some 10 or so packets for which the client answers with RST. then they 
both wait a while and go at the whole thing again.

so I dropped down the firewall, and nothing changed.

and here's the killer - on the same server I have several other websites, some 
of them with forums and all of them work great !

Please - can someone tell me what might be the problem ?

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