Hi all,

OK, I wget the latest kernel (linux-2.6.0-test7) and try to commpile it, but
I bump into some errors so I decided to compile only the modules by this
RTFM http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO/loadable_modules.html#AEN285

and the when insmod the 8139too.o I got this msg: .....8139too.o: couldn't
find the kernel version the module was compiled for

As I read more in this document I see that there is a way to outsmart this
problem by define the register_chrdev as the register version of my working
kernel, BUT genksyms appears to work in version Versions 2.1.18 and lower...

So I google some more, and fine an article that describe, more or less, my
kind of issue...
They recommend to add #define __NO_VERSION__ to the file before the
include's, so I did, and nothing....

And the last test I did is I copy the include/linux/version.h (the origilal)
and replaced the version.h in my new kernel dir, also, not a big success
story :-)....

Help any one...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yedidyah Bar-David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RedBar0n" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: Compiling RealTek 8139 driver whit error

> Hi,
> I would first try to get a recent kernel source tree (2.4.22, 2.4.23-pre,
> 2.4.22-ac, etc.), from www.kernel.org, and compile it myself. You can
> copy the config file from redhat, and only make sure you compile _both_
> drivers in the kernel (there are 2 drivers for 8139 in the kernel) as
> _modules_. This way, you can insmod one of them, experiment a bit, then
> rmmod, insmod the other.  If you suspect the modules leaves the kernel
> or hardware in an unstable state, you can even reboot between tests.
> Only later I would go for downloading and compiling an external driver.
> gcc 3.2 might also be the problem, though. I compile most of my kernels
> with 2.95.3. I do have some compiled with 3.2 and 3.3, with no problems
> (yet?). Newer ones (2.4.22+, 2.6.0-test) have higher chances to work
> with 3.x.
> Good luck, and tell us about your progress,
> -- 
> Didi
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