On Wednesday 22 October 2003 00:57, Jacob Broido wrote:
> Try
> www.slashdot.org

> > I recently upgraded my cell phone to a Motorola C350.
> > Cute phone, color, intergraded GPRS WAP browser.
> > Any Linux WAP websites any of you can recommend ?
> > News, games, etc.
> > Is there a WAP version for the IGLU site?

slashdot.org doesn't work on me ME45 directly. I use google's wap proxy to 
read slashdot - just type www.google.com to go to google's web search. in 
there you can type slashdot.org (or any other real website address) to get to 
the web site of your choice through google's HTML-to-WAP translator.

A direct URL to slashdot would look like this:

In the same manner you can go to any other web site, for example:

Google's wml proxy allow you to access sites that do not support WAP directly, 
but as all automated translation software - usability will vary.


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