>>The fact that you got your hands on a packaged software product does not
>>mean you can use it.
> Sure it does. That's what the "First sale doctrine" means. Once I sold
> you a piece of software, I cannot tell you what to do, and what not to
> do, with it.
>> if that were the case, then If I copy a piece of
>>prorietary software and publish it freely on the web, then every user who
>>can download it can freely run it on his/hers computer w/o penalty.
> No, because that's specifically prohibited by the copyright law. You are
> not allowed to distribute copies of the original without the copyright
> holder's permission (as opposed to transferring your copy, over which
> the copyright holder has no say).

>From the POV of the user, I fail to see the distinction - of course the
distributer is violating tons of rules, but according to your claim the
user is still allowed to download the software and run it on her computer.


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