ביום שלישי 11 נובמבר 2003, 15:58, נכתב על ידי Alon Weinstein:
> >>However, what about the scheduling and calendar features of
> >>MS-Outlook?

> > IIRC Thunderbird (and I think Mozilla mail also) have some scheduling 
> > capabilities, at least to the point of showing you a calendar and
> > updating it 
 from a web site.

> Thunderbird can do scheduling? Are you sure about this? Is this possible 
> using some extension? If so -- care to specify how?

Sorry - my mistake. its a component (I think it can't be justifiablty called 
an extension) called Mozilla Calendar which you need to install. it has 
versions for the standard mozilla as well as for thunderbird (which is what I 
tested, hence my incorrect association).
Get it here: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar


Reasons to Run Away 12-"When the DM mentions words such as: Tarasque, 
Elminister, Lord Soth, James T. Kirk, Holy Handgrenade, Kaz the Minotaur, 
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