Diego Iastrubni wrote:

ביום חמישי, 27 בנובמבר 2003, 12:04, נכתב על ידי Shachar Shemesh:

Gil Freund wrote:

From looking at the reults, It's not ranking your site, it's ranking
individual pages. Moreover, it only gives out content from the DOC
file (shame on you ;)) and not from the HTML.

Obviously, it's much easier to look into Doc than into HTML.

while looking for "shachar" in google i see your page in the 7th position.

other searches:
"meni", hits the spot.
"tzafrir", hits the spot.
"volovic", 2nd hit, (mark, in first hit, i liked the flowers shots!)
"muli", you are third.
"shlomi fish", hits the spot.
"eli marmor", i suppose 2nd hit? "gabor szabo", 2,3 hit.

(partial list of the people on this list, don't offend if i forgot you)

anyone else would like to know if google recognize him personally? :-)

What kind of survey is that? :-)
Decide - either you are looking for full name, first name, last name or common nick.
For example:
Mark - couldn't locate in first three pages (30 hits).
Volovic - first hit are photographs he took. Home page (empty) is second. Home page (non-empty) third. First non-related link - fith (family trees up to 7, and again 8 through 12, with 13 being something in Japanese).
Mark Volovic - First hit is related to him, his homepage is 27th. First non-him hit is 102th.

Shachar - 4th hit is me, homepage comes in 7th.
Shemesh - 3rd hit is me, my homepage.
Shachar Shemesh - 1st hit is me (my home page). First non-me hit is 59th.

Now, what does that mean? In short - nothing.
It has to do with how much each of us invests in his respective home page, how rare the name is, etc. For example - Marc is a far more common name than Shachar, but Volovic is less common than Shemesh. This gives me a relative advantage when searching for first name, and him a relative advantage when searching for last time. When doing both searches, the less common the least common of the two is, the more advantage you have. Now, what does that tell anyone about our respective penis length again?

I'll remind you that the original question was not about why my site was ranked higher/lower than other sites. The question was how come there were three hits between two almost identical pages on the same site.

Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration & consulting
Home page & resume - http://www.shemesh.biz/

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