On Thursday 27 November 2003 18:33, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Arie Folger wrote:
> >* worse than the above is that the supplied version of OOo, 1.1.0-6,
> > doesn't seem to do Hebrew. I tested with the installed-from-tarball
> > 1.1.0, and the latter still works 100%, Hebrew and all, but not so the
> > one that is shipped. Changing locale doesn't make a difference. Anybody
> > else experience similar issues?
> Did you try to explicitly enable "complex text layout"?
>           Shachar

I am using the same dot file directory for both versions (actually, neither is 
now working, and I am struggling to figure out why. I can't open any 
document. Either I get the choose filter dialog, after which, OOo invariably 
dies, or I get the empty window that replaces the StarOffice desktop, and no 
matter what I choose, it won't open a file. Either it is unresponsive, or it 
brings that same filter chooser dialog up), so there should be no difference.

If an important person, out of humility, does not want to rely on [the Law, as 
applicable to his case], let him behave as an ascetic. However, permission 
was not granted to record this in a book, to rule this way for the future 
generations, and to be stringent of one's own accord, unless he shall bring 
clear proofs from the Talmud [to support his argument].
        paraphrase of Rabbi Asher ben Ye'hiel, as quoted by Rabbi Yoel
        Sirkis, Ba'h, Yoreh De'ah 187:9, s.v. Umah shekatav.

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