On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 05:11:33PM +0200, Erez Doron wrote:
> Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> >
> >It's not clear what is a good and what is a bad solution for you,
> >but if you want there are scripts that convert filenames between
> >charsets. I have my own, there were a few others in linux-il (search
> >the archives), and there are even a bit more organized things in
> >freshmeat announcements lately.
> > 
> >
> it is relativly trivial to convert the filenames, but it will prevent 
> wget from updating only changes as it will find different names in the 
> source and dest of the mirror

That's clear to me. That's why I said it's not clear what's good for
you. Maybe you can think of making a tree of links with the good
names? I know fat doesn't have links, but maybe something like this.
ntfs, BTW, does have links. If you run wget from Windows that's an

> cheers,
> erez

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