ביום חמישי 04 דצמבר 2003, 12:31, נכתב על ידי Shachar Shemesh:
> <Rant>
> I don't understand why KDE systematically refuses to use the locale
> information for it's activity. 

I agree this is a problem, but often the case is that you want your 
application to work differently then what the system is configured for, and 
setting up the env for each run (for example, in a .desktop entry) is not a 
good way to go. kpilot is a good example: while my system is set for UTF-8, 
I'd want kpilot to use ISO when synching.

> that are independantly configured. Not suprisingly, not everything has a
> GUI, makeing one go through the sources (as I had to do just now) 

Its always a work in progress. setting up something to be configurable is alot 
easier then building a GUI for the configuration. the KDE project is 
investing a lot of resources in making building configuration interfaces as 
easy as possible [1][2], but it still takes programmers and time to convert 
all the applications[3].

That being said, KPilot in KDE 3.2 has GUI for charset configuration.

[1] See KConfigXT http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/kconfigxt/
[2] unlike the friends from GNOME. sorry, couldn't resist ;-) gconf? come-on!
[3] insert standard "don't-complain-if-you-won't-help" rant, if you like,


"The only difference between a madman and myself is that I am not mad" 
        -- Salvadore Dali 

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