ביום שישי, 12 בדצמבר 2003, 16:22, נכתב על ידי Tzafrir Cohen:
> > if XP boots up in 30 secs (10 if you hybernate) linux should be able to
> > do something similar as well. this is un-exceptable.
> How about linux when hybernating?
susp whatever it's called? not that good.

kernel boots, init is called, and then it detects it needs to restart the 
system. it saves to less time. will measure soon (+you need a _big_ swap for 
that, did not have it in my last setup).

> > Amichai, look in to /etc/rc5.d and see what you can remove, press esc and
> > tell us where it hangs the most time (bootsplash yes).
> Let's see where can we can remove start-up time:
> * kernel startup time: any way to reduce this without adding it back in
>   modules load time?
how about not "depmod -a" each boot?
where is this done in mandrake? anyone knows?

> * initrd: this has becomes the standard in distros kernels. In most
>   setups it is actually unnecessary if the kernel was well-built. Maybe
>   a smarter install procedure would use initrd only when necessary?
>   I figure approx 2-3 seconds can be saved here, but maybe more
ah... not that much... but ok...

> * parallelizing services startup:
>   LSB 1.3 finally requires services to declare dependecies one on
>   another. This would is intended to allow in the "future" to run some
>   of those scripts in parallel if they don't need each other. As many of
>   them.
mandrake parralezises some scripts. 

>   Thus if dhcp hangs waiting for network everything still hangs. But if
>   sendmail hangs becasuse of name setup problem other scirpts can run.
network is done by pppoe, and static address i will move it to S99 
now. it will save me 5 seconds from my boot (dialing takes time sometimes).

> * use a lighter desktop :-)
do you know if xcfe has service menu? i want a "start menu" for this desktop 
as well.



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