On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 01:26:27PM +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2003, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote about "Re: Frighting possibilities 
> (gnome-2.4 + fedora oddity)":
> > >    It all started because of Ilya.
> > >    I  tried  to get the notification thingy running and could not see the
> > >    mail notification icon -
> > >    Naturally  I  CTRL-ALT-F1'nd  to see what X warning if any exist and a
> > >    slight  sense  of panic rose in me as I started keying in hysterically
> > >    CTRL-ALT-F1 to F12.
> >..
> > 
> > Can you try 'chvt 1'?
> I have the same problem on my Redhat 9 - CTRL-ALT-F1 et al. stopped working,
> and I have no idea why. "switchto 1" does work (I didn't check "chvt", I
> assume it does the same thing).

Me too (tm), although they are from different packages and have different
man pages. Haven't looked at the sources.
BTW, I have a (mostly unrelated) question:
Sometimes shutdown writes its messages to a VT different than the "active"
one. Is there a simple way to know where it's running and chvt there in
the beginning of shutdown? The relevant manpage (as far as I could find)
is console_ioctl(4), but I couldn't find there _exactly_ what I want,
that is - to find out what the active one is. I saw VT_GETSTATE, but it
somehow didn't work for me - I don't remember exactly, but it didn't.
If anyone knows, speak up. If anyone's interested, also speak up, and I
will try again to see what was the problem.
I think there are two different things: The one who gets output to
/dev/console (or /dev/tty0?), and the one that you actually see on the
console. IIRC, the first is the "active", and the second isn't mentioned
there. I might not RC, though.

> -- 
> Nadav Har'El                        |        Monday, Dec 29 2003, 4 Tevet 5764
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
> Phone: +972-53-790466, ICQ 13349191 |The trouble with being punctual is that
> http://nadav.harel.org.il           |nobody is there to appreciate it.

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