Sad story first:

I went to a friend's place to help him setup DSL for his new (first) Linux. we 
installed Fedora Core 1 a few days back at the office.

He has a DLink wireless router (can't remember the exact model, one or the 
more fancy ones), and he got Barak to replace his USB modem with an Alactel 
SpeedTouch 510.

The point of the excerise would be to eventually get the DLink router to dial 
through the DSL modem by itself so no computer need be running for the 
connection to work.

The guy tried the wizards for both gadgets but nothing seemed to work. 
First order of buisness is to get his Fedora to dial out with the modem 
connected directly to the NIC. no go. apparently the modem comes 
unconfigured, and according to the manual there are two ways to get it going 
- install the dialer program that comes on the CD on your windows computer, 
or upload a configuration file using the modem's web interface.
Another problem - the modem refused to load the configuration file supplied 
(either of two available, which are similar but not identical).
I got the modem to "save" its current configuration and "backup" it to a 
download file, then modified it with the data from the supplied config files 
and uploaded it. another hint - use Mozilla, for some reason it doesn't like 
the uplaod when Konqueror does it.

At this point the fedora dialer still didn't like the modem but after fiddling 
with it for an hour or so I decided it might be the linux and plugged in my 
Mandrake 9.2 installed laptop. a couple of 'next','next','finish' and the 
internet was runing nicely. back to fedora but no go. 

Question 1:

- The pppd and rp-pppoe versions in both computers are the same version. 
- Another computer with fedora core had the same issue as the first.
- The configuration generated by the distro DSL dialup tools is similar but 
not identical between Mandrake and Fedora, but running manually the exact 
same command that was successful in Mandrake failed the same way in Fedora.
- enabling debug in pppd got me this:
As soon as the pppoe connection is up, pppd starts with 

rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=xxx <mru 1492> <auth pap> <magic xxxx>]
sent [LCP ConfReq id=xxx <mru 1492> <magic xxxx>]
sent [LCP ConfAck id=xxx <mru 1492> <auth pap> <magic xxxx>]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=xxx <mru 1492> <magic xxxx>]

and then goes on with the PAP authentication. the Fedora pppd does this:

rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=xxx <mru 1492> <auth pap> <magic xxxx>]
sent [LCP ConfReq id=xxx <mru 1492> <magic xxxx>]
sent [LCP ConfRej id=xxx <mru 1492> <auth pap> <magic xxxx>]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=xxx <mru 1492> <magic xxxx>]

and then pauses and fails.

I couldn't figure out why.

Question 2:

Did any body got a home router to dial the SpeedTouch ? If I understand 
correctly the SpeedTouch can also dial itself but I couldn't figure out how 
to set up the ppp connection, and the manual didn't help (it has examples, 
but only for PPPoA).
The DLink router has a specific WAN RJ45 connector and its PPPoE configuration 
is under the WAN section, so I assume that it only works when the modem is 
connected to the WAN port. but I read somewhere that it will not work when 
connected to the WAN port unless you turn off all of its router functionality 
and convert it to a dumb modem - which I have no idea how to do.

Any hints will be appreciated.


Real punks help little old ladies across the street because it shocks more 
people than if they spit on the sidewalk.

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