Nadav Har'El wrote:

> Microsoft Word is a *word processing* format, not a hard-copy format.
> Assuming you'd want to view and/or print your candidate's resumes, not
> EDIT them, there is no reason to insist on this proprietary format.

It's done for 2 reasons:

1. Resume filing software is designed to read MS/Word format. I don't know
   about the company in question, but large companies don't read resumes,
   they scan them or dump them directly into resume processing software.

   Then the personel person can do a query on "job#123, linux, etc" and 
   get the qualified people for that job. :-(

2. Most personel people are clueless about handeling attachments. Specifying
   MS/Word limits the resumes received to something they can virus check and

BTW, MS/Word format can easily be read and written by Open Office. 

Note that if you ever send me a resume, you can send it to me in MS/Word
format. I'll gladly read it by "strings <file> | less". If I see the
comment "Microsoft Resume Template" in it you can guess where it will go.


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