On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 12:09 +0200, Aaron wrote:

> I am guessing that this is on purpose?
> You did catch that I was trying to run as root.
> I sometimes find that some tabs or addons to mozilla only will install 
> if I (gasp) run mozilla as root.

he tabs addons or whatever get installed typically in you're
Typically that's installed as root with root's permissions all over the
provided files the .mozilla in you're home directory gives you the
ability to overload you're own private settings and to have you're own
environment even if there are other people using that computer each with
his own mozilla environment addons and prefrences.
I'm not sure how to install addons or firebird extenstion's on my
mozilla because I too have seen that some of these extensions "want" to
be written to /usr/local/mozilla so generally I simply add permissions
for my user to write to /usr/local/mozilla and yes ... I know it's not
totally secure but if somebody is totally paranoid he could probebly add
a mozilla-users group associate his user to it and change the
/usr/local/mozilla tree to be writeable to that group.

I just chmod -R 777 the /usr/local/mozilla but I'm trying to break a
record in security ill practices today :) -
In system usage such as in life I'm also optimistic untill utter

regards -

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