1. Use the SuSE online update/patch utility to get the latest version of KDE
2. Install CXOffice Version 2.0 (Yeah, V 2.0!)
3. Install MS Office using LANG=heb_IL all the way. Intall the English Language pack, ensuring that dialog and help is set to English.
4. Backup the ~/cxoffice directory tree to some place else
5. Upgrade in place, CXOffice to 2.1
Dimitry's fixes: 6. Modify XF86config as follows:
Section "InputDevice" Driver "Keyboard" Identifier "Keyboard[0]" Option "Protocol" "Standard" Option "XkbLayout" "us,il" Option "XkbModel" "pc104" # Out! # Option "XkbOptions" "grp:lwin_toggle" # New line Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll" Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" Option "XkbVariant" "xfree86" EndSection
Reboot or restart X to get this effective. (It's enough to log out, log in a commandline session as root, and do init 3, then init 5). If you don't the ctrl-shift combination to switch language, choose something else.
7. Create script files for each MS Office app which look like this (This one works for MS Word):
setxkbmap us,il
LANG=he_IL /home/danny/cxoffice/bin/wine --cx-app \
"C://Program Files//Microsoft Office//Office//WINWORD.EXE"
# The last two lines are entered as ONE line, without the \ continuation # character.
I saved this as ~/bin/mswordh, chmod'ed to be executable by all. Also, ~/bin is in my PATH.
Danny's Desktop Doodles:
8. Using the Menu Editor, replace (for example) the MS Word executable command with mswordh.
9. Same goes for any desktop icons or toolbar buttons.
10. Enjoy!
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