
Well, in terms of Unix/Linux and 8 Way server - I think the kernel 2.6.x could 
do a great job (you might want to try the upcoming SuSE 9.1 or Redhat's RHAS 

As for DB - you have 2 choices which are really good with 8 way machines - 
either IBM's DB/2 or Oracle. I don't have any info regarding Sybase port and 
8 way utilization..

Hope this helps,

On Saturday 27 March 2004 09:40 pm, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> A company I know has a complicated distributed application with strong
> reliance on Sybase database. They have 8-Intel-CPU monsters for that
> purpose, which are running Windows 2000.
> My question is: what would it take for them to run Sybase on top of Linux,
> instead? Is Linux's SMP ready for this task? Would it be any better in
> terms of CPU usage? Will another Unix flavor is better?

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