During the last time the evangelism for using W3C standards is growing.
But there is a big problem with writing fully standard pages, especially when 
using DOM: The fact that the most popular(and ugly) browser don't support 
these standards. A web page written by the standard probably won't work as 
expected with this browser. Many webmasters allow themselves having a site 
which is only IE compatible, but most won't dare having a web site which is 
only mozilla compatible.

A great example for this issue is the W3C DOM standard addEventListener 
function, which isn't implemented in the popular browser. The popular 
workaround for this is checking whether addEventListener exist and if not 
using attachEvent (Which is a microsoft invention not mentioned in the W3C 
standard). But this is a workaround, can you say a script is standard while 
it contains a nonstandard function?

I assume you probably know the anybrowser campaign 
(http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/), are they preaching for nonstandard 
pages (consider the last paragraph)?

Any way after spilling my heart, here is my actual problem:
I can't persuade most of my friends using mozilla because they cannot view 
their favorite sites, and webmasters don't want to invest resources on making 
their sites mozilla compatible because mozilla's market share is relatively 
small, this is a circular problem...
So I decided to help webmasters convert their sites with minimum resources, 
I started writing a tool for automatically creating mozilla compatible pages 
from IE compatible pages.
But I haven't decided yet with what to replace attachEvent for example,
my best alternative right now is using the popular workaround I described...
Can anyone offer a better solution(I wish to create pages which are standard 
as possible).

Sorry for the long post,

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