I'm not sure who is responsible for the changes to the IGLU FTP site, but I'd like to thank them for their consideration.

I was in the middle of downloading the third of three .iso files of Mandrake (Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download-CD3.i586.iso) when the connection was broken, and I was given the message:

Error: A file called Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download-CD3.i586.iso was not found on the server

Checking the FTP site file tree showed that in fact there was no longer any "pub/distributions/Mandrake/iso" directory on the server.

If it is necessary to change the FTP filetree, why can't this be done *AFTER* the last logged-in connection is terminated? WTF do I now do with my partial d/l of the .iso?

Thanks a million for the prior notification of the change!

David Howard

Thunderbird 0.4 - Libranet 2.8

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