
I got my hands on sources of a Windows program which turned out to be written in Visual Basic
(and an old version of VB at that, as far as I'm told).

My goals with this program are twofold:

1. Convert the calculations done in it (it's a gliding conditions forecast program) to something
I can run on Linux (probably C++ and/or Java)
2. I promised the guy who provided me with the source to try to add some improvements and
features to the original program.

The specific questions I have:

1. Is there a free or cheap way to convert the VB source into something which can be
executed under Linux? I found some dead projects (i.e. no activity for over a year)
to write VB to Java converters, so far they weren't so successful in fulfilling their promise.
I'd like it to get some form that will enable me to create executables both for Windows and

2. Assuming I manage to write a C++ program to do the calcs and graphs (e.g. using
FLTK or QT) - is there a practical way to build windows executables on Linux (does
mingw do this?).

If you can think of another way to achieve my goals then I'd be glad to hear about it.

I plan to put my converted stuff under an Open Source license, subject to agreement
from the original author who doesn't want others to be able to make money from his work
(so I'm not sure the GPL will fit him without some persuasion work).



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