On Sun, May 09, 2004 at 09:12:20AM +0300, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
> If we call it "Linux support" they will say that Linux doesn't have a big 
> enough users base, but the fact that in the current implmentation no dial up 
> residetental router can't connect (as far as we know now) is something 
> completly different.

  I believe we are into a gray area which is unavoidable. Here are some
thoughts or maybe just blurb:

1. Developing the railways is considered to be of national importance
   even tough it requires huge investment. In addition, at least by the
   current standards, most people will want to have a car anyway, and
   will continue using it instead of other means of transportation.
2. Don't I have a right not to be bound to Microsoft?
3. Why should I pay 2500 NIS for an OS and an office suite when I can
   get it for free?
4. Didn't `someone' noisy and powerful dare claiming a few years ago 
   that the `people want satellite' and subsequently just let the 
   people, not just their customers, pay the bill? What was the ground
   for his claim about the people desire for a satellite?
5. Sometimes the natural flow of things is that one wants something
   because not having it bothers him. Only in the course of time he
   collects more arguments for having it, or drop his initial request
   because he can't pursue it. However pursuing it initially just
   because he is bothered about not having it helps everyone balance
   between his desires and the public interest.

  In short, someone with Hamakor hat might have to speak about
supporting not only Microsoft. The one without a name that pays for the
big signs about the people desire for a satellite while the supreme court
discusses the issue can speak about Linux support. And so can an average
user that 
  1. Does have a name.
  2. Wants to try Linux.
  3. Might not try it *just* because 135 doesn't support it.
"If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples then
you and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an idea and I
have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two
ideas." -- George Bernard Shaw     (sent by  shaulk @ actcom . net . il)

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