Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:


On Tuesday 04 May 2004 08:10, Ira Abramov wrote:

indeed you should have. when my current prepaid year is up I intend to
make it VERY clear to them that I do not intend to pay more for the
service that was so far built-in. afterall my machine is online 24/7,
what difference does it make if it is a fixed IP or a long lease? either
way I am always occupying an IP address, may as well be a fixed one.

You obviously know nothing about economics. :-)

The reason they charge more for a fixed IP is the same reason dogs leak their genitals: because they can. Or to put it in "economic" terms: because people are willing to pay extra for it. It has nothing to do with the their cost.

This is possible- on the other hand they might be running out of static IP's to give out. Either way, the real question is do any other ISP's even offer static IP's and if so, for how much?



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