On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 02:50:33PM +0200, David Suna wrote:
> I think this was discussed recently but I can't find it.  I want to run a 
> Hebrew DOS application under dosemu.  When I do all of the Hebrew 
> characters come out as question marks.  When I run xdosemu the characters 
> come out as gibberish.  What do I have to do under dosemu/xdosemu to be 
> able to see the Hebrew characters?

On MS-DOS, you're supposed to set the display font and the expected
input charset with the MODE utility. From a short Google search, it
seems that FreeDOS is only catching up now.

Anyway, if you use xdosemu, the VGA font used by the virtual DOS
machine might have no effect, so instead just select one of the
ISO-8859-8 fonts you have (run 'xlsfonts' to list them):

FONT=-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-c-0-iso8859-8 xdosbox

Since I have a rather outdated version of FreeDOS, I cannot confirm it
actually working.


And as long as we're completely off-topic, I've found out recently that
you can print the entire range of Unicode characters in the WinNT
console window (as long as its a window, not VGA full-screen), by
setting the codepage to 65001 (CP_UTF8). Try it with Perl's
Win32::Console::OutputCP(). Pretty neat, eh?

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