
While I was recently helped to get Hebrew fonts working in X (specifically, in
OpenOffice 1.1.1), I have been unable to get them to work in the Linux console.
 For example, when I run vim -H, I get the proper cursor moving in the proper
direction, but either no characters or blank characters are produced.

In addition, though I don't know if this is related or not, the backspace key
produces a ^? instead of the needed CTRL+H (backspace) character, both in the
console and in xterm, and when I run some programs, such as Adobe Acrobat
reader, I get the following error:

Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged

Any ideas?

Todah rabbah lachsheev...
(×××× ××× ×××××)

Cleveland, Ohio - sister city of Beit She'an

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