Sounds to me like a lib is too new for your system and its APIs have changed..
Perhaps include strace's output and ld's output for those specific programs

  Noam L.

Quoting ik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi list and shabat shalom

I keep on reaciving from most of the programs i have a segment fault mostly on the begining of the executions.
The main programs that keep on getting it are:

Mozilla + Mozilla FireBird
and more  :(

mozilla\firebird falling when ever i open sites like, and more.
ddd, xpdf and KBabel falling when they start, and konqi having a seg fault like in mozilla, but it keeps on running, but not respoding.

The first thing i made was a memory check, using memcheck86, afther 18 houres of checking, my memory is working without any errors.
But i'm sure it have a common caouse for that problem, because they all started on the same time, and worked well before that period of time.

i'm looking for ANY help pointing how to trace the problem (strace gives me the info that a seg fault was made... nothing else), or any other idea
on that subject will be more then welcome

Thank you for any help

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