Daniel Feiglin wrote:
I'm involved in putting together a web server which needs a database backend. My own experience with these things is at the outdated nitty gritty b-tree level of the early 90's (e.g. Clipper, the CodeBase library).

The project is going to be SuSE Linux based.

Can someone point me to a *technical* (not relegious) comparison of available open databases (mySQL, Postgress, etc.) vis a vis what's best for what, performance etc. and other dumb questions from a mere geriatric programmer ... RTFM's just fine ...

Same question but much less urgent, for commercial offerings like DB2 and Oracle.


I've been working with mysql, postgresql and firebird. It depends on your needs. Roughly can be broken down to:

1. Cross platform (including win32) solution:

MySQL and Firebird. PosgreSQL native win32 port is not ready yet.

2. Embed business logic in the DB tier (stored procedures, triggers etc):

PostgreSQL and Firebird.

3. Multi languages for business logic:

PostgreSQL (PL/pgsql, PL/python, PL/perl etc..)

4. Multi schema support:


5. Quality of tools for db management (FOSS/proprietary):

Firebird, MySQL

6. Use ready made solutions (e.g: phpBB, *nuke etc):

MySQL (that's what most test against, Postgresql is an after thought, usually Firebird is not mentioned).

7. Packages

MySQL, PostgreSQL:

Most of the distros come package MySQL and PostgreSQL packaged, with various software compiled to support them (e.g: php with mysql and postgresql support).

8. Licensing

MySQL: Since 4.x changed their client libs licensing from LGPL to GPL. If distributing solutions please make sure you're complying with the license.

PostgreSQL: BSD

Firebird: Interbase public license:

Meir Kriheli

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