Another solution is to use VMware. It has checkpoint feature, which allows you to save the state of your virtual machine (including the states of any files on virtual disks) at a certain time; and then revert to the checkpoint at a future time.

I routinely use it in a virtual machine used for cross-compiling software. This way I can be sure that I get a pristine virtual machine for the next time I build software.

As far as you are concerned, this allows you to choose any filesystem you want (in fact, you can choose any OS supported by VMware).

Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

Kfir Lavi wrote:

i'm looking for a filesystem that save state.
Example: install new system, then play a bit, then come back to the installed system.

What you want is called an overlay filesystem (and also sometyime union filesystem).

Here is one, alebit in beta stage (but already being used by Siemmens, or so says the web site):

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