Ido Kanner wrote:

I hope this will make it more clear:

Open Source Coordination Draft

The idea is to make a website which will coordinate Open Source projects and
Open Source programmers with each other.
Each project that seeks for extra help from programmers will be able to post its
needs, and each programmer who has the time and will to contribute will publish
his/her skills.

First of all I believe you will find this at

every sourceforge developer can publish a profile with his/her skills and people can post requests for help with their projects... I believe this works fairly well.

The system will list the available programmers for the project managers, and the
list of available projects for the programmers, thus making the process of
finding each other far better and faster than today's systems.

considering (no offense intended) the complete lack of knowledge you seem to have in the subject I'm wondering what systems you are refering to...

The web might will also include in its second phase a system for programmers to
get help from other programmers (experts-exchange style).

Aside from the sf forums which aren't exactly what you mean here but they can be a way to accomplish the above- I've always found google groups/usenet a winning combination

We will be happy to hear your comments on the above, and will appreciate any
help on the matter.

I would say that success on the level of is incredibly unlikely and the likelyhood of creating one site to do everything sf does and more is much more unlikely (E10000000) especially when well built tools like sourceforge exist.
You might be better off trying to give some suggestions to the developers of the sf backend.



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