Next Monday (16/8/2004), 18:30, the Haifa Linux Club will once
again meet to hear Orna Agmon and Muli Ben-Yehuda talk about:

   Latest Kernel Developments

This talk will survey the latest developments in the Linux kernel world,
building upon the discussions, presentations and hallway hacking that
have taken place at the 2004 Ottawa Linux Symposium.

After the lecture we will celebrate Haifux's 5th birthday. You are
encouraged to bring baloons etc.

Slides draft (currently containing about half the matrial) are available

We meet in the Technion, Taub 3. See
for arrival details.

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!

Future lectures include:
Web Hacking by Nadav Har'EL on 30/8/2004

We are always looking for interesting lecture ideas, and we will soon
begin to schedule the next season!

Have a subject
you want to talk about? Or a subject you'd like to hear someone else
talk about? email us.

Orna Agmon
ICQ: 348759096

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