> firebird is developed under Unix, and have Unix,Linux,Windows,SunOS
> (Solrais -> also a unix) ports that work the same way on all of them.

When I was commenting on the lack of Win32 support I was referring to 
PostgreSQL which is in beta for Win32 (running it under CYGWIN is not
nearly close to being as easy as a MySQL Win32 installation which setups
the libraries automatically).

> > Luckily it handles UNICODE and other encodings really well out of the
> > box, as opposed to MySQL :-)
> firebird support many charset including unicode... And you can define each
> (var)char field to have it's own charset...

Yes, I know :)

> Now i like firebird because it's been a very long time out-there, you have
> java, delphi,freepascal,c, c++, php, perl support for it, and it's was made
> by people who worked with interbase and like it, and convinced Borland to
> open interbase to community (version 6.1 of interbase was open, and
> firebird is based on it). The database iteself is very fast and light (if
> you want more functions inside an sql, you need to use an extention). The
> licence give you ability to work in commercial enviorment (unlike MySQL),
> and you can tweak it (if you understand what you are doing offcurse) per
> record, table and database, witch make it very flexible, and strong soted.
> It compete on the market of large amount of data (billions of records), you
> can divide the database itself acording to the database size/amount of
> records.. witch make it easier to backup your data... You can update the
> database to new version with two console command only...
> And thats for start :)
> I never worked with PostgreSQL, althou i know it's very good... But i'm
> also known to be un othordox with my proffesional choises... i usualy peak
> the one that is good for my work rather then popular... usualy it prove
> itself with the result and time spent on a project...
> Ido

Firebird seems very nice. I have installed it but it still required me to pick
my brain about certain operations. The reason I was mentioning Win32 support 
at all was because I was recently looking for an SQL database that has native 
Win32 support and can store unicode characters (for hebrew support).

PostgreSQL would have been my choice were it not for the annoying installation 
along with CYGWIN. MySQL is more problematic as it has a *slight* license 
problem, so I limited myself to version 3.23.58 (which requires an explicit 
command line argument to start the server in a different encoding).

Firebird was nice but I was too annoyed by it's interface, sorry :)

In the end I think I'll either go with MySQL or FB, I haven't decided yet. It 
will also depend on the APIs available and how easy they are to use.

Ok, enough ranting..


Eli Kara
Beyond Security Ltd.


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