Quoting Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> One option is to split this mailing list. One possibility would be:
> 1. linux-il - mailing list for Q&A and newbie questions.[1] Also
> announcements
> of events.


First, the list was not supposed to be a newbie list in any case, so this first
one doesn't make sense. I'm sure people don't want to downgrade this list into
a newbie list, and that's why there is a different mailing list call gnubies.

Second, the "forum" method in which you move threads into a different forums
when they become irrelevant for the discussion is not applicable to mailing
list. There is no sane person who will subscibe to a linux-il-wars list. Most
of us subscribe to lists for sane reasons, and start a flame war incidentally,
wishing in general that there are less flame wars and more info.

Also, how exactly do you move a discussion? And how do you cause a person who is
subscribed to one mailing list to be aware that there is a discussion going on
in another list to which he is not subscribed? In a forum system, there are
various ways to do that. First, they are all available to everybody, and you
can look in from time to time, and second, there are usually things like "last
messages posted" areas in the main page which tell you something. You can also
keep track of your thread even if it moved, if you have asked for email updates
on it, because even when it moves, you still get the e-mail reminders.

All of which doesn't happen in mailing lists and would be too convoluted to try
to implement by social engineering.

In my many years of mailing list and forum experience, I came to one sad
conclusion: in order for a mailing list to be productive, with low noise and
high content, it has to have strict rules, and ruthless and very active
moderators, who are not ashamed to kick people out when they break the rules
after they have been warned.


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