Quoting Baruch Even, from the post of Thu, 19 Aug:
> You should check if your gzip runs with --rsyncable option, otherwise
> you don't save as much bandwidth as you want. The --rsyncable option

oh, I didn't know I had to switch that on, I thought it was on by
default... this option is not listed in the gzip manpage, neither on my
woody not my sid! odd...

no wait... gzip -h tells me about it on sid but not on woody (which my
server is running). weirder and weirder... does this mean rsyncs will be
heavier till I backport it from sid or upgrade to sarge? or should I opt
for bzip2 instead? I read once it's more compatible with rsync's diffs.

> You could try to setup things so that the cron on the server will do the
> backup and the rsync, or have the cron on your backup machine connect to
> the server and do the backup and then issue the rsync, so that you will
> always be synchronized after the dump process has completed so you won't
> have partial data.

well, I'm backing the server up from a home machine with a dynamic IP,
I guess it's the remote machine that will have to issue/trigger the
backup then.

> It might be that one of the sources rolled over or something, the eth0
> statistics most likely. I'd trust the webalizer/apache logs better.

Didi solved it for me, aperently it's a 32 bit counter that rolls over
at 4GB. I have set up MRTG and things look clearer now.

> You could also install hotsanic to be able to watch the status of your
> server machine, it will also give you cpu and io usage as well as other
> things. If you want you can also add monitoring of the mail queue, the
> number of active apache server and the like.

thanks! nice to know... I wonder how come in't not a deb yet :-)
gone to install...

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Ira Abramov

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