Quoting Omer Zak, from the post of Tue, 31 Aug:
> Thus, if the PC-2700 cannot work with my motherboard (with or without 
> PC-2100), I'll lose.  This is why I asked in this mailing list.

well, I have ran together 66Mhz and 100 in the same board and 100 with
133 and it was just fine. 133Mhz dimms in a 66Mhz bus have mixed results
depending on make.

I would look for a store that would be sympathetic to your problem, and
let you return the module if it fails after a few minutes or hours of
memtest or memtest+. all other methods that do not include such an
empiric test are educated guesses and quoted manufacturer's best
practices at best.

I say mix and match. Hail Discordia!

Ira Abramov

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