Omer Zak wrote:

This is confusing to me. I thought that Debian (for a single architecture) fits into 7 CD's, and now it seems to fit into 14 CD's - or did I miss something which is too obvious to be explained in the missing README file in the above Web site?

In addition to what my predecessors said, please note that Debian are using a tool called "popcon". It's an opt-in option to send the list of installed (and used) packages to the debian project. They use it as a popularity contest between the packages (hence the name).

The more popular a package, the earlier it is on the CD list. They do that to counter the 14 CDs problem you mention. I don't have any statistics, but my guess would be that about 80% of the people can make do with just the first CD, and 90% with just the first two.

Please note, however, that some Israeli only use pattern are unlikely to make it into the first CDs. Two such patterns that come to mind are Culmus and PPTP. Personally, I find that downloading the missing stuff off the internet is faster for me than hanging around with all CDs.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.

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