On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 10:28:40AM +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> Hi, as a user of the year-old Fedora Core 1, that has just been declared
> "legacy", I'm anxiously waiting until the end of next month when Fedora
> Core 3 should be out and I can upgrade.
> Today I decided to prepare myself and look at what will be new in FC3.
> One of the more drastic changes in FC3 will be that SELinux, the NSA's
> "Security-Enhanced Linux" patches, will be enabled by default. I was
> wondering how that will effect my life (or at least my computing life).

LWN just wrote an article about FC3. LWN subscribers:
http://lwn.net/Articles/103261/ . Non-subscribers: it should become
avilable in 8 days (thus I wanted to add it for the sake of later
archive readers).

Some of the points:

1. FC3 includes udev. Another new technology to read about and a
   potential source of migration issues.

2. The installation defaults to set the filesystem with LVM, rather htan
   plain partitions

3. Something regarding SELinux:

Fedora Core 3 marks the Fedora team's second stab at SELinux, and they
are asking[0] that users give SELinux another try as well. According to
Colin Walters, this release marks a scaled-back approach that should
cause fewer problems while still providing additional security for
"select system daemons."

  Instead of the original "strict" policy which covered everything, a new
  "targeted" policy has been developed which only applies SELinux
  restrictions to a few select system daemons. Regular user login sessions
  are unrestricted.

[0] http://lwn.net/Articles/103233/

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
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